Rate My AgentReal Reviews That Count

  • Campaign

Choosing a real estate agent can be daunting. But thanks to the 600,000+ reviews at RateMyAgent.com.au, people don’t have to make that decision alone. In the brand’s first consumer-facing campaign, the true power of getting advice from locals who know was highlighted by bringing real reviews into the real world. Each branded review became a signpost to point people in the right direction, a truth bomb ready to blast through the bull. Powered by the people, the reviews help the best agents rise to the top, making it easy to find an agent you trust. The new brand platform, ‘real reviews that help you choose’ featured across film, digital and radio in Australia and the US.

Our review truth bombs became a visual representation of proven trust, literally pushing the best agents forward. RateMyAgents' bold aqua brand colour juxtaposed with our black review mechanic to create clean, impactful ads that cut through the crowd.

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